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Object Query/Modification Overview
Objects may be selected for query and/or modification of properties and/or associative relationships. For more information refer to the Model Inputs sections, specifically the Geometry Overview and Meshing Overview.
Object Query
If a single object is to be selected for query and/or modification while in the Geometry or Mesh classes, set the Action combo-box to Edit, set the Object combo-box to the desired object type, and ensure the Screen: option is enabled before selecting the object either from the Model View with the mouse cursor or from the scrolling Object Identifier (OI) listbox under the A/O/M combo-boxes.
Use Case #1: Querying a Cylinder Body
As shown in Figure 1, the C/A/O/M was set to Geometry tab > Edit > Cylinder > Local, and a cylinder body (CYL1) was selected from the Model View by left clicking on the object (cylinder in red wireframe, system in green highlight). The fields in the Input dialog were populated based on the selected cylinder’s properties, including its location, Radius (1.0), Height (1.0), and rotations, as well as indicating that the cylinder body is associated with System 1 (System = SYS1):
Note that the OI listbox directly below the A/O/M may also be used to select the cylinder body, especially if the cylinder body was used as a tool in a solid modeling operation and is no longer selectable in the Model View (as is the case in the Object Modification Use Case #1).
Remark: if the Screen: option is enabled, all properties will be retrieved and written to their respective input fields. If the Input: option is enabled, the properties will not be written to input fields as this option can be used to Replace inputs.
Object Modification
If an object is currently selected for query, any available object property may be modified by activating the checkbox next to the desired input field, entering a constant, parameter or formula, and then clicking the Replace button. The Model View should automatically update to show the property change.
Use Case #1: Modifying the Radius of a Cylinder Body used as a Modeling Tool
In the following use case, a solid cylinder (CYL2) of Radius=1 and Height=1 was used as a tool to create a hole in a 5x5x1 box via Create > Body > Bool-Subtract. Since the cylinder was used as a tool body in the solid modeling operation, it is no longer selectable on the Model View but can be accessed by selecting “Tool-Solid 2 Cylin.” from the OI listbox directly under the A/O/M. Once the cylinder body is selected, check the box next to Radius: and enter “2” in the input field. Then, click the Replace button to update the cylinder Radius property and the solid body result (Figure 3):
To retrieve the new properties of the cylinder, disable all input fields and then re-query the cylinder body.