StressCheck Tutorial: 3D Splice Joint Hierarchic Modeling with Free/Fused Auto Contact
In this StressCheck v12.0 tutorial, hierarchic modeling of a 3D fastened splice joint is performed via the new Assembly Meshing/Auto Contact feature. The Auto Contact method allows the user to manually toggle between “Contact” (default), “Bonded” or “Free” options, enriching the range of possibilities when performing hierarchic modeling of 3D fastened assemblies.
- In the first simulation, traditional multi-body contact (i.e. the “Contact” option) is automatically generated for all matched surfaces during Assembly Meshing, and each plate/fastener body is solved independently for pressures/stresses.
- In the second simulation, the existing Auto Contact constraints on the top/bottom surfaces of the middle plate are set to the “Free” option and the existing Auto Contact constraints between the middle plate and associated fastener shank surfaces are set to the “Fused” option.
- This means the middle plate/fasteners are solved as one continuous body, thereby reducing the model hierarchy from six (6) independent bodies to three (3) independent bodies.
- Upper and lower plate bore stresses for each multi-body contact simulation are then compared.