ASIP 2024 Training – Case Studies in Fracture Mechanics Analysis Using StressCheck v12.0
Abstract: this 3-hour training course, originally presented at the ASIP 2024 conference in Austin, TX, explored the following topics:
- DEMO: FEA analysis of an aircraft stiffened lug detail
- How a “Single Corner Crack in Lug” solution compares with FEA results?
- LEARN: Strategies for efficiently meshing 3D fracture mechanics problems
- Mixed meshing vs. all-tetrahedral meshing along 3D crack fronts
- Automatically-generated vs. manually-input element layers around 3D crack fronts
- No refinements vs. geometrically graded refinements at 3D crack tip intersections
- 100% automesh vs. “seeding” an automesh with hand-meshed nodes/elements
- REVIEW: Sample 3D and plane strain fracture mechanics case studies
- “Selected Stress Intensity Factor Cases”, DTD Handbook Section 11.3
- Summary & resources
- SC v12.0 training options
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Categories: Fracture Mechanics Module, Linear Elasticity Solver, MeshSim Advanced Module, Simulation Technology, StressCheck Core, StressCheck Professional. Tags: Boundary Conditions, Convergence Extraction, Damage Tolerance, Detailed Stress, Fracture Extraction, Fracture Mechanics, Mesh Seeding, Meshing, Numerical Simulation, Parametric Modeling, Plot Extraction, Points Extraction, Solid Modeling, StressCheck GUI, Theory.