StressCheck Tutorial: Sample Global-Local Workflow for a 3D Cracked Rib
Abstract: Sample global-local workflow using manually-added TLAPs to represent cap axial and web shear loading at rib section. Application of TLAPs using TLAP-Traction, All Faces over the cut section of the rib. Extraction of SIF’s based on current crack parameters.
A continuation of Part 3: StressCheck Tutorial: Extending an Elliptical Crack and Updating Mesh Assignments
Categories: Fracture Mechanics Module, Linear Elasticity Solver, MeshSim Advanced Module, StressCheck Core, StressCheck Professional. Tags: Boundary Conditions, Damage Tolerance, Fracture Extraction, Fracture Mechanics, Global-Local, Linear Analysis, Material Properties, Meshing, Parametric Modeling, Points Extraction, Results, StressCheck GUI.