Webinars Archives - ESRD https://www.esrd.com/category/events/webinars/ Engineering Software Research and Development, Inc. Fri, 06 Oct 2023 14:14:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.esrd.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-SC_mark_LG72ppi-32x32.jpg Webinars Archives - ESRD https://www.esrd.com/category/events/webinars/ 32 32 ‘What’s New and Improved in StressCheck Professional’ Webinar Recording Now Available https://www.esrd.com/whats-new-and-improved-in-stresscheck-professional-2023-webinar-recording-now-available/ https://www.esrd.com/whats-new-and-improved-in-stresscheck-professional-2023-webinar-recording-now-available/#respond Wed, 15 Feb 2023 15:33:28 +0000 https://www.esrd.com/?p=27243 On February 7, 2023 a 2-hour webinar titled "What's New and Improved in StressCheck Professional" was provided by ESRD’s Brent Lancaster to a group of StressCheck enthusiasts. This webinar provided demonstrations of the "latest and greatest" enhancements in StressCheck v11.1, and a look toward future development activities happening in StressCheck v11.2. In case you missed it, the webinar slides and the webinar recording are now available!]]>
Mixed (hexa/penta/tetra) mesh boundary layer available with the release of StressCheck v11.1

On February 7, 2023 a 2-hour webinar titled “What’s New and Improved in StressCheck Professional” was provided by ESRD’s Brent Lancaster to a group of StressCheck enthusiasts. This webinar provided demonstrations of the “latest and greatest” enhancements in StressCheck v11.1, and a look toward future development activities happening in StressCheck v11.2. In case you missed it, the webinar slides and the webinar recording are now available!

Some highlights of the webinar included:

  • Overview of recent features and enhancements already implemented in StressCheck Professional
  • Demonstration of key features and enhancements available in StressCheck v11.1
  • Overview of current development activities and future plans for StressCheck Professional
  • Demonstration of key features and enhancements expected with the release of StressCheck v11.2
  • Open discussion and Q&A

Many thanks to the StressCheck enthusiasts who attended the live webinar and subsequent Q&A session, as well as the StressCheck enthusiasts taking the time from their busy schedules to view the webinar recording.

As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns about StressCheck Professional and we’ll be happy to assist!

Clicking on the above link will redirect you to the original webinar post and will automatically scroll you to the webinar recordings section. For your viewing convenience the 2-hour webinar recording was edited into two parts, each approximately 57 minutes in length.

Clicking the above link will redirect you to the ESRD Resource Library where you may download a PDF of the PowerPoint slides presented during the webinar. Note: as the webinar slides are in PDF format, they do not included the video demonstrations. These demonstrations can be found individually at the following links (or viewed from the webinar recordings):

Interested in a StressCheck Training Course?

If you would like to learn more about mastering StressCheck via an instructor-led training course, virtual or on-site, please complete the form below and we will be happy to reach out to you at your earliest convenience.

Please indicate an organization, such as the agency, company or academic institution to which you are affiliated.
Note: all lecture materials are made available after completion.
On-site = at your location, Off-site = at ESRD HQ in St. Louis, Web-based = via Teams, Webex, GoTo Meeting or a preferred video conferencing, maximum of 3 hours per day.
https://www.esrd.com/whats-new-and-improved-in-stresscheck-professional-2023-webinar-recording-now-available/feed/ 0
‘Democratization of Simulation Governance-Compliant Sim Apps’ Webinar Recording Now Available https://www.esrd.com/simulation-governance-compliant-sim-apps-webinar-recording-now-available/ https://www.esrd.com/simulation-governance-compliant-sim-apps-webinar-recording-now-available/#respond Thu, 15 Aug 2019 17:26:29 +0000 https://esrd.com/?p=11316 On July 29, 2019 a joint webinar on the the importance of Simulation Governance in FEA-based Sim App development & deployment, titled “Democratization of Simulation Governance-Compliant Sim Apps”, was provided by ESRD’s Brent Lancaster and Rev-Sim's Malcolm Panthaki. In case you missed it, the webinar recording is now available!]]>

This joint ESRD/Rev-Sim webinar will explore Sim-Gov compliant Sim Apps for democratization of simulation.

On July 29, 2019 a joint webinar on the the importance of Simulation Governance in FEA-based Sim App development & deployment, titled “Democratization of Simulation Governance-Compliant Sim Apps”, was provided by ESRD’s Brent Lancaster and Rev-Sim‘s Malcolm Panthaki.

In this timely webinar, we discussed why it is essential that Sim Apps implement Numerical Simulation technologies which enable the practice of Simulation Governance in order for the vision of democratization of simulations to be realized, as well as why it is important for engineering managers to get on the Simulation Governance train sooner rather than later. Strategies were explored for democratizing engineering simulations via Sim Apps which are: 1) based on the latest Numerical Simulation technologies, 2) available in Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) form, and most importantly 3) Simulation Governance-compliant.

Live demos of ESRD’s CAE Handbook and Multi-Fastener Analysis Tool (MFAT) were provided in order to prove that COTS, FEA-based, Simulation Governance-compliant Sim Apps are not just “vaporwares” but plug-and-play software solutions!

View Webinar Recording

Click the button below to view the 4 part, 55-minute webinar recording (scroll to the bottom of the webinar landing page to find the videos):

View Recording


View Webinar Slides

Click the button below to view the webinar slides (PowerPoint Show):

View Slides



As always, many thanks to our attendees for their interest and feedback! And, of course, thanks to the Rev-Sim leadership for their time and contributions. We hope to collaborate on another webinar in the future!

https://www.esrd.com/simulation-governance-compliant-sim-apps-webinar-recording-now-available/feed/ 0
Happy Holidays from ESRD (2022 Edition) https://www.esrd.com/happy-holidays-2022/ https://www.esrd.com/happy-holidays-2022/#respond Wed, 21 Dec 2022 00:29:46 +0000 https://www.esrd.com/?p=26678 As we continue to adapt to a mix of remote and in-office work, we hope that this past year you found our software products, customer support, training options/courses, "StressCheck Tip of the Week" posts, and e-Learning resources to be helpful and accommodating. We certainly couldn't do it without your valuable feedback and contributions! We are committed to supporting your current and future engineering endeavors and look forward to what the future holds in 2023. Happy Holidays from all of us at ESRD, and we hope you'll check out our year-end summary!]]>
Original geometry courtesy user DC of GrabCAD

As we continue to adapt to a mix of remote and in-office work, we hope that this past year you found our software products, customer support, training options/courses, “StressCheck Tip of the Week” posts, and e-Learning resources to be helpful and accommodating. We certainly couldn’t do it without your valuable feedback and contributions! We are committed to supporting your current and future engineering endeavors and look forward to what the future holds in 2023.

In 2022, we re-designed StressCheck’s documentation to include online and offline versions, attended ASIP 2022 as exhibitors and presenters, released StressCheck v11.1 (our best release yet!), and made numerous additions to our resource library to aid in a more efficient and enjoyable StressCheck onboarding process. The following are a few highlights that we’d like to share from this past year.

ASIP Conference 2022 Impressions…

ESRD’s Exhibit Booth at ASIP 2022 in Phoenix, AZ.

In late November 2022, ESRD exhibited at the ASIP Conference and enjoyed re-connecting with StressCheck users, industry colleagues and our partners Hill Engineering (BAMpF 3D fatigue crack growth software developers) and LexTech (AFGROW developers). We also provided a training course and conference paper on the modeling and analysis of bonded doubler repairs.

Read more about our conference proceedings here.

StressCheck v11.1 Released…

We were pleased to release StressCheck v11.1 in late July 2022, made possible by the dedication and hard work of our development and QA teams. This release was packed with new features and enhancements in the areas of automatic meshing, fracture mechanics and global-local applications:

The new Thin Section automesh method supports meshing thin regions with penta- and hexa-dominant element layers for efficient solutions of lightweight aerospace structures
The enhanced Crack Front automesh method supports meshing 3D cracks with penta- and hexa-dominant element layers for significantly improved SIF extractions
New parametric TLAP scaling feature for linear and incremental nonlinear analyses supports load stepping/load reversals

For a quick recap of the highlights in StressCheck v11.1 view the following short video:

Does your organization have an active StressCheck SM&TS contract but hasn’t yet upgraded to StressCheck v11.1? Contact us to get started with the upgrade!

Live Webinar Coming Soon…

On February 7th, 2023, we are planning for a live webinar to review what’s new and improved with the release of StressCheck v11.1, as well as preview the new features and enhancements under development for StressCheck v11.2 (targeted for release in Summer 2023).

Some highlights of features under development include (but are not limited to):

  • Mesh seeding to guide the Automesh by automatically using pre-existing node locations.
  • Upgraded toolbar icons for a clear and improved user experience.
  • New option to select the toolbar icons between 16×16 (default), 20×20 and 24×24 pixels size.
  • Movable Min/Max labels for Results plotting and extractions.
  • A Dependencies button on the Parameter pane which lists all dependencies on the selected parameter.
  • Column sorting and filtering for Parameters pane table including “Go To” to search for parameters.
  • Predictive text on input fields has been implemented for parameter and formula names.
  • Enhanced Index controls for filtering and sorting Geometry and Mesh object lists. including “Go To ID…” to access a specific ID.
  • Improved visualization of Selected status on dropdown lists containing assignment/set records.
  • Overhauled the Display Objects pane to support selective number ranges and additional object types.
  • Re-designed color definitions pane.
  • A list of object IDs belonging to a set “Contents:” and a list of objects that reference the set “Used By:” are now displayed when selecting a record on the Sets page.
  • Improved consistency of DeLast/Undo functionality

Snapshot of the improved icons (20×20 pixels shown) and user experience in StressCheck v11.2

Pre-register for the “What’s New and Improved in StressCheck” webinar by completing the form below:

Wishing for Good Tidings and Good Health

Original geometry courtesy user Alex Petuhov of GrabCAD

Finally, we’d like to wish all of our customers, partners and friends Happy/Safe Holidays and a Happier/Healthier 2023!

Keep up with the latest from ESRD by subscribing to our newsletter:

https://www.esrd.com/happy-holidays-2022/feed/ 0
Webinar: What’s New and Improved in StressCheck Professional https://www.esrd.com/resource-library/product/webinar-whats-new-and-improved-in-stresscheck-professional-2023/ Tue, 10 Jan 2023 21:02:56 +0000 https://www.esrd.com/?page_id=26854 [vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_message message_box_color="peacoc" icon_fontawesome=""]February 7, 2023 @ 1:00 pm EST[/vc_message][vc_column_text]Join us for a 2-hour webinar on the latest in StressCheck Professional, as well as what's currently under development in our next software update. After the webinar, attendees will be encouraged to stay for an open discussion on future development activities.[/vc_column_text][vc_cta h2="" add_button="right" btn_title="WATCH NOW" btn_color="danger" btn_link="url:%23recording"]This webinar is now available to watch on-demand.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_single_image image="25717" img_size="full" add_caption="yes" alignment="center"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]


[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]We are pleased to announce a 2-hour webinar on February 7, 2023 @ 1:00 pm EST titled “What’s New and Improved in StressCheck Professional“. Demos and briefings will be provided on the following new features and enhancements, as well as features under development for our next release.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

StressCheck v11.1 Release

New features and enhancements already available with the latest StressCheck release (v11.1) include but are not limited to:
  • Support for mixed (tetra/penta/hexa) meshes
  • Support for parametric scaling of global-local loads
  • Upgraded infrastructure for faster model rendering and updating
  • Improvements to load record management and load attribute rendering
  • Improved strategies for 3D crack automeshing
  • Improved strategies for 3D stress intensity factor (SIF) computation
  • Enhancements to support the automeshing of thin parts and domains
  • New CHM-based offline documentation
  • New COM API documentation
[/vc_column_text][vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/736499389" align="center"][vc_column_text]

Latest StressCheck Development Activities

Expected features and enhancements for our next StressCheck release (expected in Summer 2023) will include:
  • Mesh seeding to guide the Automesh by automatically using pre-existing node locations.
  • Upgraded toolbar icons for a clear and improved user experience.
  • New option to select the toolbar icons between 16×16 (default), 20×20 and 24×24 pixels size.
  • Movable Min/Max labels for Results plotting and extractions.
  • A Dependencies button on the Parameter pane which lists all dependencies on the selected parameter.
  • Column sorting and filtering for Parameters pane table including “Go To” to search for parameters.
  • Predictive text on input fields has been implemented for parameter and formula names.
  • Enhanced Index controls for filtering and sorting Geometry and Mesh object lists. including “Go To ID…” to access a specific ID.
  • Improved visualization of Selected status on dropdown lists containing assignment/set records.
  • Overhauled the Display Objects pane to support selective number ranges and additional object types.
  • Re-designed color definitions pane.
  • A list of object IDs belonging to a set “Contents:” and a list of objects that reference the set “Used By:” are now displayed when selecting a record on the Sets page.
  • Improved consistency of DeLast/Undo functionality
  • And much more under development!
  We will also host a Q&A session at the end of the webinar to allow attendees to interact with and provide feedback to members of our product development team.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]


[caption id="attachment_28945" align="aligncenter" width="1251"] Significant GUI improvements are on the way in the next StressCheck release.[/caption] [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
  • Overview of recent features and enhancements already implemented in StressCheck Professional
  • Demonstration of key features and enhancements available in StressCheck v11.1
  • Overview of current development activities and future plans for StressCheck Professional
  • Demonstration of key features and enhancements expected with the next release of StressCheck
  • Open discussion and Q&A


Part 1: What's New in StressCheck v11.1, Thin Section Demo, Boundary Layer Demo

Part 2: Crack Front Demo, TLAP Scaling Demo, Coming Soon in StressCheck

ESRD Partners with Industry Leaders for Webinars on 3D Crack Growth & Sim App Development https://www.esrd.com/esrd-partners-with-industry-leaders-for-webinars-on-3d-crack-growth-and-sim-app-development/ https://www.esrd.com/esrd-partners-with-industry-leaders-for-webinars-on-3d-crack-growth-and-sim-app-development/#respond Wed, 03 Jul 2019 14:50:12 +0000 https://esrd.com/?p=10880 Want to learn from the experts in FEA-based Simulation Application (Sim App) development for standardization & automation of complex engineering analysis tasks, such as 3D fatigue crack growth, 3D ply-by-ply laminated composite analysis or other challenging applications you'd like to safely put into the hands of non-experts? This July, ESRD will be partnering with several industry leaders to provide not one but TWO stimulating webinars on the latest in FEA-based Sim App development.]]>

ESRD is hosting joint webinars on July 17th and July 29th, both at 1:00 pm EST.

Want to learn from the experts in FEA-based Simulation Application (Sim App) development for standardization & automation of complex engineering analysis tasks, such as 3D fatigue crack growth, 3D ply-by-ply laminated composite analysis or other challenging applications you’d like to safely put into the hands of non-experts?

This July, ESRD will be partnering with several industry leaders to provide not one but TWO stimulating webinars on the latest in FEA-based Sim App development.

The Latest Developments in Sim Apps for 3D Crack Growth Simulations

BAMF Example Crack Front Estimate via StressCheck/AFGROW Integration (courtesy Hill Engineering).

First, ESRD is pleased to join Hill Engineering, LLC (developers of BAMF) and LexTech, Inc. (developers of AFGROW) for a joint webinar on Wednesday July 17, 2019 @ 1:00 pm EST. This collaborative webinar will be titled “3D Crack Growth Simulation: Advancements & Applications“, and will detail the latest technological advancements in Sim Apps for accurate simulation of three-dimensional metallic crack growth via coupled finite element analysis (FEA) and fatigue life computations.

During this webinar, you will see the latest in 3D crack growth predictions via Hill Engineering’s Broad Application for Modeling Failure (BAMF) Sim App, which provides a robust integration between StressCheck’s high-fidelity DaDT/fracture solutions and AFGROW’s crack growth life prediction capabilities.

Additionally, ESRD, LexTech & Hill Engineering representatives will explain how each of their respective technologies seamlessly fit together to enable automated, verified & validated (i.e. backed by experimental data) fatigue crack propagation.

Register Now


The Importance of Simulation Governance in Sim App Development & Deployment

This joint ESRD/Rev-Sim webinar will explore Sim-Gov compliant Sim Apps for democratization of simulation.

Then, on Monday July 29, 2019 @ 1:00 pm EST, ESRD will join the thought leaders at Revolution in Simulation (Rev-Sim) for a joint webinar on why Simulation Governance compliance is essential to the development & deployment of Sim Apps titled “Democratization of Simulation Governance-Compliant Sim Apps“.

In this timely webinar, we will discuss why it is essential that Sim Apps implement Numerical Simulation technologies which enable the practice of Simulation Governance in order for the vision of democratization of simulations to be realized, as well as why it is important for engineering managers to get on the Simulation Governance train sooner rather than later. Strategies will be explored for democratizing engineering simulations via Sim Apps which are: 1) based on the latest Numerical Simulation technologies, 2) available in Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) form, and most importantly 3) Simulation Governance-compliant.

Register Now


More ESRD Webinars…

Interested in the complete ESRD webinar listing, including on-demand recordings from past ESRD webinars? Visit our webinars page here:

View Webinar Listing

https://www.esrd.com/esrd-partners-with-industry-leaders-for-webinars-on-3d-crack-growth-and-sim-app-development/feed/ 0
‘3D Crack Growth Simulation: Advancements & Applications’ Webinar Recording Now Available https://www.esrd.com/3d-crack-growth-simulation-webinar-recording-now-available/ https://www.esrd.com/3d-crack-growth-simulation-webinar-recording-now-available/#respond Tue, 23 Jul 2019 01:14:18 +0000 https://esrd.com/?p=11084 On July 17, 2019 a joint webinar on the latest developments in FEA-based 3D crack growth simulation, titled “3D Crack Growth Simulation: Advancements & Applications”, was provided by ESRD’s Brent Lancaster, LexTech's James Harter and Hill Engineering's Joshua Hodges. In case you missed it, the webinar recording is now available!]]>

BAMF running as an AFGROW plug-in (courtesy Mr. Josh Hodges/Hill Engineering, LLC)

On July 17, 2019 a joint webinar on the latest developments in FEA-based 3D crack growth simulation, titled “3D Crack Growth Simulation: Advancements & Applications”, was provided by ESRD’s Brent Lancaster, LexTech’s James Harter and Hill Engineering’s Joshua Hodges.

In this webinar, we detailed the latest technological advancements for accurate simulation of three-dimensional crack growth in metallic structures, with and without residual stresses, via coupled finite element analysis (FEA) and fatigue life computations. Additionally, the webinar expanded further on the DaDT analysis best practices presented in ESRD’s June 2017 webinar, titled “Durability and Damage Tolerance (DaDT) Analysis Best Practices“, and highlighted the importance of mitigating the errors of approximation associated with stress intensity factors (SIF’s) and if applicable, engineered residual stresses (e.g. cold-working).

Webinar attendees from a wide range of industries were treated to a demo of Hill Engineering’s Broad Application for Modeling Failure (BAMF) Sim App, which provides a robust integration between StressCheck’s high-fidelity DaDT/fracture solutions and AFGROW’s crack growth life prediction capabilities. The BAMF demonstration showed how to set up a parametric model for DaDT analysis via StressCheck and then, with limited user intervention, integrate with AFGROW and StressCheck via their respective COM API’s to perform an on-demand 3D crack growth simulation. It was very impressive demo, indeed!

View Webinar Recording

Click the button below to view the 3 part, 65-minute webinar recording (scroll to the bottom of the webinar landing page to find the videos):

View Recording


View Webinar Slides

Click the button below to view the webinar slides (PowerPoint Show):

View Slides


Additional Resources

During the webinar, we identified several relevant DaDT and/or crack growth simulation resources that may be of interest:



As always, many thanks to our attendees for their interest and feedback! And, of course, thanks to LexTech and Hill Engineering for their time and contributions. We hope to collaborate on another webinar in the future!

https://www.esrd.com/3d-crack-growth-simulation-webinar-recording-now-available/feed/ 0
3D Crack Growth Simulation Advancements Webinar Coming Soon https://www.esrd.com/3d-crack-growth-simulation-advancements-webinar-coming-soon/ https://www.esrd.com/3d-crack-growth-simulation-advancements-webinar-coming-soon/#respond Tue, 14 May 2019 17:39:52 +0000 https://esrd.com/?p=10334 ESRD is pleased to join Hill Engineering, LLC (developers of BAMF) and LexTech, Inc. (developers of AFGROW) for a joint webinar on July 17, 2019 @ 1:00 pm EST. This collaborative webinar will be titled "3D Crack Growth Simulation: Advancements & Applications", and will detail the latest technological advancements for accurate simulation of three-dimensional metallic crack growth via coupled finite element analysis (FEA) and fatigue life computations.]]>

BAMF Example Crack Front Prediction via StressCheck/AFGROW Integration (courtesy Hill Engineering).

ESRD is pleased to join Hill Engineering, LLC (developers of BAMF) and LexTech, Inc. (developers of AFGROW) for a joint webinar on July 17, 2019 @ 1:00 pm EST. This collaborative webinar will be titled “3D Crack Growth Simulation: Advancements & Applications“, and will detail the latest technological advancements for accurate simulation of three-dimensional metallic crack growth via coupled finite element analysis (FEA) and fatigue life computations.

During this webinar, you will see the latest in 3D crack growth predictions via Hill Engineering’s Broad Application for Modeling Failure (BAMF) software tool, which provides a robust integration between StressCheck’s high-fidelity DaDT/fracture solutions and AFGROW’s crack growth life prediction capabilities.

Additionally, ESRD, LexTech & Hill Engineering representatives will explain how each of their respective technologies seamlessly fit together to enable automated, verified & validated (i.e. backed by experimental data) fatigue crack propagation. You don’t want to miss it!

Register Now


https://www.esrd.com/3d-crack-growth-simulation-advancements-webinar-coming-soon/feed/ 0
New Webinar: Simulation Governance & Management (NWC 2021) https://www.esrd.com/new-webinar-simulation-governance-management-nwc-2021/ https://www.esrd.com/new-webinar-simulation-governance-management-nwc-2021/#respond Wed, 08 Sep 2021 20:44:28 +0000 https://www.esrd.com/?p=22444 In this 15-minute pre-recorded webinar, ESRD Chairman Dr. Barna Szabó addresses some of the key issues of simulation governance, including how model development must adhere to the requirements of simulation governance in order to minimize risk and increase reliability.]]>

In this 15-minute pre-recorded webinar, ESRD Chairman Dr. Barna Szabó addresses some of the key issues of simulation governance, including how model development must adhere to the requirements of simulation governance in order to minimize risk and increase reliability.

Following is the abstract of the webinar (via NAFEMS):

Advancements in predictive computational science make it possible to increase reliance of numerical simulation, necessitating fewer physical experiments for substantial savings in time and costs of product development projects. The first and perhaps the most challenging obstacle to full realization of the benefits of predictive computational science is a widespread misunderstanding of what numerical simulation is.

Most managers and many individuals who present themselves as experts in numerical simulation confuse numerical simulation with “finite element modeling” or “numerical modeling“. Those are outdated concepts, responsible for much of the disappointing results that caused widespread loss of confidence in the usefulness and reliability of numerical simulation. Current simulation and data management practices will have to be revised in order to meet the technical requirements of predictive computational science.

The presentation focuses on the central role of simulation governance and management in the coordination of experimental and analytical work necessary for proper use of the tools and techniques of predictive computational science with the objective to maximize the reliability of computed information.

The presentation outlines the methodology of model development in the applied sciences, the essential constituents of which are the formulation, calibration and ranking of mathematical models, data and solution verification, validation and uncertainty quantification. It will be shown that consideration of the size of the domain of calibration is essential. Without such consideration just about any model, even pseudoscientific models, can be calibrated on a sufficiently small domain of calibration.

The presentation also highlights the differences between numerical simulation and finite element modeling. Understanding these concepts and procedures is an indispensable prerequisite to any successful implementation of a Simulation Governance plan. Recognizing that technology changes and the available information increases over time, planning must incorporate data management and systematic updates of simulation practices so as to take advantage of new information and advancements in technology.

Watch the Live Webinar at NAFEMS World Congress (NWC) 2021

The webinar will also be presented live by Dr. Szabó on 10/27/2021 @ 17:30 local Salzburg time (CEST) on-site in Room W, as well as virtually (NWC 2021 is a hybrid event) as part of the Simulation Governance sessions (L6).

To register for NWC 2021 as either an on-site attendee or online attendee, click the below button:

https://www.esrd.com/new-webinar-simulation-governance-management-nwc-2021/feed/ 0
‘Mastering StressCheck’ Webinar Recording Now Available https://www.esrd.com/mastering-stresscheck-webinar-recording-now-available/ https://www.esrd.com/mastering-stresscheck-webinar-recording-now-available/#respond Thu, 20 Feb 2020 02:12:31 +0000 https://esrd.com/?p=13046 On February 12, 2020 a webinar on tips & resources for enhancing our users' StressCheck Professional knowledge, titled “Mastering StressCheck: Practical Training Approaches & Online Resources for A&D Engineers”, was provided by ESRD’s Brent Lancaster. In case you missed it, the webinar slides and on-demand recording are now available!]]>

On February 12, 2020 a webinar on tips & resources for enhancing our users’ StressCheck Professional knowledge, titled “Mastering StressCheck: Practical Training Approaches & Online Resources for A&D Engineers”, was provided by ESRD’s Brent Lancaster. Thanks to all who attended! In case you missed it, the webinar slides and on-demand recording are now available.

Keys to mastering StressCheck Professional are explored.

In this user-oriented webinar, we discussed the latest StressCheck training options for Aerospace & Defense (A&D) engineering analysts, how to improve your mastery of StressCheck via the Getting Started page, software FAQ’s, on-demand video tutorials & best practices in the ESRD Resource Library, and why investing in StressCheck for detail analyses is well worth your time. We also provided a live demo of a sample Introduction to StressCheck training course topic (“Tips for Practical StressCheck Usage”).

Here was the webinar agenda:

  • The “Nuts & Bolts” of ESRD’s StressCheck.
    • Typical Aerospace & Defense (A&D) engineering applications solved by StressCheck.
  • Why get StressCheck training?
    • StressCheck training topics and options.
  • Introduction to StressCheck training course preview.
    • Tips for Practical StressCheck Usage.
  • Accessing & navigating StressCheck resources:
    • Getting Started with StressCheck.
    • FAQ Articles.
    • ESRD Resource Library and on-demand video tutorials.

View Webinar Recording

Click the button below to view the 1 hour 20 minute webinar recording (scroll to the bottom of the webinar landing page to find the videos):

View Recording


View Webinar Slides

Click the button below to view the webinar slides (PowerPoint Show):

View Slides


Want to Set Up an Instructor-Led Training?

Click the below button to get a quote for an on-site, off-site or web-based training course:

Request Training


StressCheck User Experience Survey v2.0

If you have not already, please take a few minutes to give us some feedback about how you use, or would like to use, StressCheck Professional. Your answers are very valuable to us!

After completing the survey, you will automatically be entered into a random drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card:

Take the Survey

https://www.esrd.com/mastering-stresscheck-webinar-recording-now-available/feed/ 0
Mastering StressCheck Webinar Coming Soon https://www.esrd.com/mastering-stresscheck-webinar-coming-soon/ https://www.esrd.com/mastering-stresscheck-webinar-coming-soon/#respond Wed, 08 Jan 2020 14:52:15 +0000 https://esrd.com/?p=12423 ESRD is pleased to announce our first webinar of 2020, scheduled for February 12 @ 1:00 pm EST. This 2-hour, user-oriented webinar "Mastering StressCheck: Practical Training Approaches & Online Resources for A&D Engineers" will detail training approaches focused on applications to make numerical simulation via finite element analysis S.A.F.E.R. - Simple, Accurate, Fast, Efficient, and Reliable.]]>

Keys to mastering StressCheck Professional are explored.

ESRD is pleased to announce our first webinar of 2020, scheduled for February 12 @ 1:00 pm EST. This 2-hour, user-oriented webinar “Mastering StressCheck: Practical Training Approaches & Online Resources for A&D Engineers” will detail training approaches focused on applications to make numerical simulation via finite element analysis S.A.F.E.R. – Simple, Accurate, Fast, Efficient, and Reliable.

During this webinar, you will learn about the latest StressCheck training options for Aerospace & Defense (A&D) engineering analysts, how to improve your mastery of StressCheck via the FAQ’s, tutorials & best practices in the ESRD Resource Library, and get a ‘sneak peek’ at some typical topics & practical applications covered in our 2020 StressCheck Basic Training course.

We look forward to your attendance!

Register Now


https://www.esrd.com/mastering-stresscheck-webinar-coming-soon/feed/ 0