Fracture Extraction Archives - ESRD Engineering Software Research and Development, Inc. Tue, 10 Dec 2024 17:32:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fracture Extraction Archives - ESRD 32 32 ASIP 2024 Training – Case Studies in Fracture Mechanics Analysis Using StressCheck v12.0 Tue, 10 Dec 2024 17:01:20 +0000 Abstract: this 3-hour training course, originally presented at the ASIP 2024 conference in Austin, TX, explored the following topics:
  • DEMO: FEA analysis of an aircraft stiffened lug detail
    • How a “Single Corner Crack in Lug” solution compares with FEA results?
  • LEARN: Strategies for efficiently meshing 3D fracture mechanics problems
    • Mixed meshing vs. all-tetrahedral meshing along 3D crack fronts
    • Automatically-generated vs. manually-input element layers around 3D crack fronts
    • No refinements vs. geometrically graded refinements at 3D crack tip intersections
    • 100% automesh vs. “seeding" an automesh with hand-meshed nodes/elements
  • REVIEW: Sample 3D and plane strain fracture mechanics case studies
  • Summary & resources
    • SC v12.0 training options
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Experimental Validation of DTA Modeling of Bonded Wing Skin Repairs Thu, 07 Dec 2023 16:41:37 +0000 Abstract: This presentation is a follow-up to ESRD’s 2022 ASIP presentation titled “DTA of Bonded Repairs on the Wing Skin of the C-130 Using Finite Elements.” That presentation explored a robust method for finite element analysis of bonded skin repairs from the perspective of both static strength and fatigue crack growth. The proposed analysis methodology was presented in a comparative sense, examining a number of criteria in the skin in an undamaged state, a damaged state and a repaired state, in order to allow the analyst to make an assessment of repair effectiveness without detailed knowledge of either the exact boundary conditions of the problem, or of the intricacies of the model itself. One of the criteria for a patch to be deemed effective is that the fatigue life of the skin be at or above that of the pristine configuration. Given the sparse nature of research on the topic of crack growth under bonded repair patches, ESRD partnered with AP/ES to conduct an experimental program to investigate in detail how a small initial flaw propagates in the aluminum skin under a titanium repair up through failure. Experiments were performed alongside blind predictions of life and crack morphology using ESRD’s research tool, CPAT. Additionally, statistical analysis was performed to assess confidence in the predictions. Given the aleatory uncertainty associated with the available crack growth data for the specimen material, it was important that predictions of fatigue life be accompanied by a confidence level when comparing them with experimental outcomes. Because most of the crack propagation occurred under the repair, a marker band spectrum was used during the test and the crack-cycle data was constructed from fractographic examination. The experimental program covered three specimen configurations: (1) Undamaged skin with a surface crack or a corner crack at a hole; (2) Skin with a grindout (to remove hypothetical corrosion damage) and either a surface crack at the bottom of the grindout or a corner crack at a hole located at the center of the grindout; (3) Same as configuration (2) but including a bonded titanium repair. Experimental and predicted results will be presented. Originally presented as a technical paper at the 2023 ASIP conference in Denver, CO.]]>
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ASIP 2023 Training – Enhancements in StressCheck v12.0 for DaDT Analysis of 3D Fastened Connections Thu, 07 Dec 2023 15:55:57 +0000 Abstract: this 2-hour training course, originally presented at the ASIP 2023 conference in Denver, CO, explored the following topics:
  • StressCheck’s FEA technology implementation for the modeling, meshing and analysis of arbitrarily shaped 3D crack geometries, with and without the local effects of multi-body contact.
  • Strategies for automatic meshing of 3D cracks with high-aspect ratio, 3D-solid pentahedral and hexahedral elements to support high-quality SIF extractions at any location on the crack front.
  • New StressCheck 12.0 method to support multi-body contact assembly meshing, auto-detection of contact regions, and automatic assignment of contact pairs for 3D solid bodies.
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What’s New and Improved in StressCheck Professional Webinar Slides (2023) Wed, 15 Feb 2023 15:54:08 +0000 This 2-hour webinar provided demonstrations of the "latest and greatest" enhancements in StressCheck v11.1, and a look toward future development activities happening in the next StressCheck release in Summer 2023. Some highlights of the webinar included:
  • Overview of recent features and enhancements already implemented in StressCheck Professional
  • Demonstration of key features and enhancements available in StressCheck v11.1
  • Overview of current development activities and future plans for StressCheck Professional
  • Demonstration of key features and enhancements expected with the next release of StressCheck
  • Open discussion and Q&A
  To view the webinar recording, click here.]]>
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Webinar: What’s New and Improved in StressCheck Professional Tue, 10 Jan 2023 21:02:56 +0000 [vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_message message_box_color="peacoc" icon_fontawesome=""]February 7, 2023 @ 1:00 pm EST[/vc_message][vc_column_text]Join us for a 2-hour webinar on the latest in StressCheck Professional, as well as what's currently under development in our next software update. After the webinar, attendees will be encouraged to stay for an open discussion on future development activities.[/vc_column_text][vc_cta h2="" add_button="right" btn_title="WATCH NOW" btn_color="danger" btn_link="url:%23recording"]This webinar is now available to watch on-demand.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_single_image image="25717" img_size="full" add_caption="yes" alignment="center"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]


[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]We are pleased to announce a 2-hour webinar on February 7, 2023 @ 1:00 pm EST titled “What’s New and Improved in StressCheck Professional“. Demos and briefings will be provided on the following new features and enhancements, as well as features under development for our next release.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

StressCheck v11.1 Release

New features and enhancements already available with the latest StressCheck release (v11.1) include but are not limited to:
  • Support for mixed (tetra/penta/hexa) meshes
  • Support for parametric scaling of global-local loads
  • Upgraded infrastructure for faster model rendering and updating
  • Improvements to load record management and load attribute rendering
  • Improved strategies for 3D crack automeshing
  • Improved strategies for 3D stress intensity factor (SIF) computation
  • Enhancements to support the automeshing of thin parts and domains
  • New CHM-based offline documentation
  • New COM API documentation
[/vc_column_text][vc_video link="" align="center"][vc_column_text]

Latest StressCheck Development Activities

Expected features and enhancements for our next StressCheck release (expected in Summer 2023) will include:
  • Mesh seeding to guide the Automesh by automatically using pre-existing node locations.
  • Upgraded toolbar icons for a clear and improved user experience.
  • New option to select the toolbar icons between 16×16 (default), 20×20 and 24×24 pixels size.
  • Movable Min/Max labels for Results plotting and extractions.
  • A Dependencies button on the Parameter pane which lists all dependencies on the selected parameter.
  • Column sorting and filtering for Parameters pane table including “Go To” to search for parameters.
  • Predictive text on input fields has been implemented for parameter and formula names.
  • Enhanced Index controls for filtering and sorting Geometry and Mesh object lists. including “Go To ID…” to access a specific ID.
  • Improved visualization of Selected status on dropdown lists containing assignment/set records.
  • Overhauled the Display Objects pane to support selective number ranges and additional object types.
  • Re-designed color definitions pane.
  • A list of object IDs belonging to a set “Contents:” and a list of objects that reference the set “Used By:” are now displayed when selecting a record on the Sets page.
  • Improved consistency of DeLast/Undo functionality
  • And much more under development!
  We will also host a Q&A session at the end of the webinar to allow attendees to interact with and provide feedback to members of our product development team.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]


[caption id="attachment_28945" align="aligncenter" width="1251"] Significant GUI improvements are on the way in the next StressCheck release.[/caption] [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
  • Overview of recent features and enhancements already implemented in StressCheck Professional
  • Demonstration of key features and enhancements available in StressCheck v11.1
  • Overview of current development activities and future plans for StressCheck Professional
  • Demonstration of key features and enhancements expected with the next release of StressCheck
  • Open discussion and Q&A


Part 1: What's New in StressCheck v11.1, Thin Section Demo, Boundary Layer Demo

Part 2: Crack Front Demo, TLAP Scaling Demo, Coming Soon in StressCheck

DTA of Bonded Repairs on the Wing Skin of the C130 Using Finite Elements Thu, 08 Dec 2022 18:01:39 +0000 Abstract: Current methodologies for the design and application of repairs to damaged sections of aircraft wing skin can be lacking in analytical support, relying instead on accumulated practical experience to determine the effectiveness of a given patch design. These methods are, by their nature, effective, being based on observation, but inefficient, requiring a knowledge base acquired over years of experience. This can make sustainment organizations inflexible and vulnerable to gaps in knowledge between newer members and more seasoned experts. This approach is also problematic in its potential for wasted effort and material, applying repairs that may be more intensive than is required for a given situation. These problems can all be addressed by the introduction of an accessible, robust analysis methodology cast in the form of an Engineering Simulation Application for the verification of a repair’s performance qualities prior to an actual aircraft application. The finite element method is ideally suited to provide an analysis procedure for this type of problems that can be used by analysts with widely varying degrees of expertise both in numerical simulation and bonded repair application. This presentation will outline a proposed methodology for utilizing finite element analysis to assess the effectiveness of a given bonded repair. Originally presented as a technical paper at the 2022 ASIP conference in Phoenix, AZ.]]>
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ASIP 2022 Training – Best Practices for the Modeling and Analysis of Bonded Doubler Repairs Mon, 05 Dec 2022 15:01:02 +0000 Abstract: this 2-hour training course, originally presented at the ASIP 2022 conference in Phoenix, AZ, explored the following topics:
  • StressCheck’s FEA technology implementation enabling modeling of very thin domains, including adhesive layers with 3D-solid elements.
  • Best practices and guidelines for modeling and analyzing 3D bonded repair doubler variations (e.g. racetrack/rectangular, circular/elliptical, tapered, metallic, ply-by-ply, homogenized, etc.) for circular cutouts and grindouts.
  • Performing “what if?” logic-driven studies of a digital 3D bonded repair handbook solution via StressCheck API-powered Engineering Simulation App, in which user-defined input data is passed from Python or Excel VBA to StressCheck Professional to perform scripted “on-the-fly” model adjustments and repair-oriented computations.
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StressCheck Tutorial: Crack Front Automeshing with Mixed Mesh, Integration Layer and Grade Toward Ends Options Fri, 07 Oct 2022 20:21:47 +0000 Abstract: demonstration of the enhanced Crack Front automesh method for generation of mixed (tetra/penta/hexa) boundary layers around crack front curves, with options for an additional integration layer as well as grading toward the crack tips. The mixed Crack Front automesh method is available as of StressCheck v11.1. For more details, refer to MeshSim Automesh Generation Methods.]]>
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StressCheck Tutorial: Computing Part-Thru Crack SIF’s from Geometric Nonlinear Solutions Tue, 23 Aug 2022 14:12:00 +0000 Abstract: comparison between linear and geometric nonlinear stress intensity factor (SIF) extractions for a fitting section with a part-thru corner crack at a bearing-loaded hole. Note: solving a geometric nonlinear analysis results in normal springs being released in tension (compression-only).]]>
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StressCheck Tutorial: Incrementing a Thru-Crack in a Filled Hole via Excel VBA Tue, 26 Jul 2022 16:13:25 +0000 Abstract: designing and executing an Excel VBA-based Simulation App for the computation of thru-crack SIF's in the vicinity of a filled hole represented by a fastener element. The model used for the tutorial (CrackedLug.scw) is found in the 2D-Fracture Handbook, and the Excel macro can be downloaded from the link below the video.  ]]>
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