Sets Archives - ESRD Engineering Software Research and Development, Inc. Mon, 11 Sep 2023 13:05:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sets Archives - ESRD 32 32 What’s New and Improved in StressCheck Professional Webinar Slides (2023) Wed, 15 Feb 2023 15:54:08 +0000 This 2-hour webinar provided demonstrations of the "latest and greatest" enhancements in StressCheck v11.1, and a look toward future development activities happening in the next StressCheck release in Summer 2023. Some highlights of the webinar included:
  • Overview of recent features and enhancements already implemented in StressCheck Professional
  • Demonstration of key features and enhancements available in StressCheck v11.1
  • Overview of current development activities and future plans for StressCheck Professional
  • Demonstration of key features and enhancements expected with the next release of StressCheck
  • Open discussion and Q&A
  To view the webinar recording, click here.]]>
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StressCheck Tutorial: Plot Overview Tue, 05 Jul 2022 15:51:24 +0000 Abstract: using the Plot tab for visualization of model solution data, including deformed shape, fringe contours, formula/calculator plots, and more.]]>
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StressCheck Tutorial: Using the Set Method for Results Processing Wed, 15 Jun 2022 14:57:23 +0000 Abstract: using the Set method in Results processing to select all objects in a given set based on the selection of one object.]]>
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Getting Started with StressCheck: e-Learning Video Showcase Tue, 16 Feb 2021 14:39:52 +0000 This tailored e-Learning video collection provides an introduction to the technology and usage of StressCheck Professional, with selected presentations, tutorials, demos and practical applications. [video_embed url="" embed_style="default"] The video collection contains 22 videos for a total of approximately four (4) hours of e-Learning material. Hovering over a video thumbnail will reveal its intended viewing order and topic, and clicking on a video thumbnail will load its video in the space below. Note: all on-demand videos are also available for streaming on the ESRD Resource Library in the Demo Video and Tutorial Video categories.]]>
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StressCheck Tutorial: Incorporating Contact Pressure Bleed in Resultant Extractions Wed, 15 Jan 2020 20:19:22 +0000 Abstract: The term "bleeding" means that the tractions associated with the contact pressures may not be zero out of the contact region on their way to zero traction. This can affect the calculation of stress resultants, and therefore the load transfer feedback. Selection only the element faces inside the contact zone, or the contact zone itself, may not be sufficient to represent the stress resultant associated with the contact pressure.]]>
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StressCheck Tutorial: Surface Loads Browser for Checking Load Assignments Thu, 29 Aug 2019 14:06:42 +0000 Abstract: The Surface Loads Browser, enabled from Tools > Surface Loads..., lets the user query a surface for load assignment(s). If a load assignment has been made to the selected surface, a list of load records associated with that surface will be returned. If a load record in the list is double-clicked, the load record will appear in the Model Input window Load tab for editing.]]>
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StressCheck Tutorial: Modeling a Compression Only Spring Analysis Mon, 05 Aug 2019 17:35:53 +0000 Abstract: To simulate load transfer to holes, or if a compression-only reaction is desired for a single part, normal springs combined with a Material (or General) Nonlinear analysis may be an efficient workflow:
  1. Assigning normal spring constraints to select surfaces
  2. Defining & assigning elastic-plastic material properties to the same surfaces
  3. Computing a linear & material nonlinear analysis
  For more information about the above approach click here.]]>
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StressCheck Tutorial: Crack Path with Multi-Site Damage Fri, 09 Nov 2018 22:03:19 +0000 Abstract: Peforming a Planar Crack Path analysis for simulating multi-site damage. Crack Path allows multiple cracks to increment until the crack tips are within a tolerance.]]>
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StressCheck Tutorial: Extending an Elliptical Crack and Updating Mesh Assignments Tue, 09 Oct 2018 15:14:53 +0000 Abstract: Extending a part-thru elliptical crack to a thru-crack in a 3D fillet, updating automesh assignments for re-numbered boundaries. A continuation of Part 2: StressCheck Tutorial: Modeling a Broken Hole Ligament Part 4: StressCheck Tutorial: Sample Global-Local Workflow for a 3D Cracked Rib]]>
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StressCheck Tutorial: Boundary Layer Refinement and P-Discretization in Contact Regions Thu, 13 Sep 2018 21:29:33 +0000 Abstract: Improving multi-body contact iterations by locally increasing solution refinement (boundary layer mesh refinement and p-Discretization) within important contact regions while leaving the remainder of the model with less mesh refinement and at a lower p-level. Manual conversion of elements to geometric mapping in active contact zones is described.]]>
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