Helpful Hints and Tips: 3D Stiffened Lug Stress + Crack SIF Analyses
This end-to-end (E2E) example focus on importing a 3D stiffened lug, performing a detailed stress analysis, and extracting the location of the maximum 1st principal stress in the lug. Then, the example continues into a fracture mechanics analysis where an elliptical crack is embedded at the location of the maximum 1st principal stress, the model is re-solved, and stress intensity factors (SIF’s) are extracted.
Note: the ZIP file contains two PDF’s and a Parasolid (.x_t) file.
Categories: Fracture Mechanics Module, Linear Elasticity Solver, MeshSim Advanced Module, StressCheck Core, StressCheck Professional. Tags: Boundary Conditions, Convergence Extraction, Damage Tolerance, Detailed Stress, Fracture Extraction, Fracture Mechanics, Meshing, Parametric Modeling, Plot Extraction, Solid Modeling, StressCheck GUI.