Helpful Hints and Tips: Excel VBA 3D Crack Design Study
Abstract: Helpful Hints and Tips on scripting VBA with the StressCheck COM API to extract 3D SIF’s for a simple lug with an elliptical corner crack in a hole. Once the “Solve” button is clicked on the driver sheet (Driver), StressCheck opens a fully parametric, manually-meshed model and performs a Design Study for a range of crack lengths (A) and crack depths (C). The driver then computes A/C vs. SIF’s along the resulting crack fronts. Feedback of progress and live dynamic extraction of SIF’s to a VBA-generated Excel worksheet (Extractions) are provided.
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Categories: Fracture Mechanics Module, Linear Elasticity Solver, MeshSim Advanced Module, StressCheck Core, StressCheck Powered Apps, StressCheck Professional. Tags: Damage Tolerance, Design Study, Fracture Extraction, Fracture Mechanics, Parametric Modeling, Points Extraction, Results, Simulation Apps, StressCheck API.