StressCheck Tutorial: Incorporating CX Residual Stresses in SIF and J-integral Extractions
Abstract: incorporating coldworked (CX) residual stresses in the computation of fracture mechanics parameters (SIF/J-integral). The following workflow is outlined:
- Open existing 3D-Fracture Handbook model (CrackOpenHole-ResidualStresses.scw)
- Add parameters, convert material to elastic-plastic, and modify the model boundary conditions for a cold-work simulation
- Solve a linear solution, and then solve the cold-work simulation events via incremental plasticity
- Use BRS mapping to map the cold-work solution to a new part
- Assign BRS load and remote traction, convert material to linear-elastic, and modify constraints to represent the crack face
- Solve a linear analysis and extract SIF’s/J-integrals
Categories: Fracture Mechanics Module, Linear Elasticity Solver, Non-Linear Solver, Residual Stress Modules, StressCheck Core, StressCheck Professional. Tags: Boundary Conditions, BRS, Coldworking Stress, Convergence Extraction, Damage Tolerance, Fracture Extraction, Fracture Mechanics, Linear Analysis, Material Properties, Nonlinear Analysis, Plot Extraction, Residual Stress, Results, Solution Configurations, StressCheck GUI.