Strategies for incorporating advanced mixed (hexa/penta) automeshing techniques for improved quality and efficiency of 3D multi-body contact applications will be explored.
Webinar: Benefits of Mixed Meshing for Multi-Body Contact Applications
3D Splice Plate problem definition (top right), mixed mesh taking advantage of symmetry (top left) and plate von Mises stresses (bottom).
In this 3-part, pre-recorded 40-minute webinar we will present how the automeshing enhancements now available in StressCheck v11.1 significantly aid in the rapid generation of penta- and hexa-dominant meshes for use in 3D multi-body contact applications. To realize these concepts in a practical setting, a 3D splice joint assembly will be constructed, analyzed and post-processed, with detailed commentary on each step in the workflow process.
Part 1: Model Definition & Parametric Geometry Construction
- Problem definition, scope and use of symmetry to reduce model size
- Importation of a parameter file (.par)
- Construction of 3D parametric solid bodies (boxes, cylinders, cones, etc.)
- Boolean union/subtraction operations between 3D solid bodies to define 3D splice joint parts
- Copy operations to duplicate child fastener bodies from a single parent fastener body
- Body-to-body imprints between all parts for optimization of contacting surfaces
Part 2: Part Definition, Contact Zone Setup, Mixed Mesh Generation, Material Properties & Boundary Conditions
- Creation of Parts for efficient bookkeeping and visualization
- Generation of the solid mixed meshes for each Part via Global, Boundary Layer and Thin Section automesh methods
- Creation of contact zones for Part regions expected to be in contact
- Definition and assignment of material properties to each Part
- Assignment of boundary conditions (loads and constraints) to each Part
- Assignment of contact pairs to allow gap and pressure computations between Part contact zones
Part 3: Solution Setup, Execution and Post-Processing
- Linear multi-body contact solution setup and initiating the solver
- Evaluation of max contact pressure error, solve time and degrees of freedom solved (DOF)
- Plotting the deformation of the 3D splice joint assembly
- Plotting of von Mises stresses for each Part in the 3D splice joint assembly
- Unaveraged vs. averaged von Mises stresses for each plate Part
- Computing the stress resultants to ensure quality load transfer between Parts
- Summary and wrap-up