Solver & FEA Implementation Archives - ESRD Engineering Software Research and Development, Inc. Mon, 29 Apr 2024 19:49:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Solver & FEA Implementation Archives - ESRD 32 32 What Are the Requirements for Using Triangle and/or Quadrilateral Elements in StressCheck? Mon, 29 Apr 2024 19:44:19 +0000 In StressCheck, Triangle (3-sided) elements and Quadrilateral (4-sided) elements are available for meshing geometric surfaces and curves for subsequent engineering simulations. The following are the requirements (and limitations) for using Triangle and/or Quadrilateral elements in Planar, Extrude, Axisymmetric and 3D analyses.]]>
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How Do I Improve Stress Fitting Errors for 3D ITP Solutions? Fri, 12 Feb 2021 02:03:40 +0000 You need to be logged in to view this content. Please Log in. Not a member? Register.]]> Can I Solve Models with Mixed Element Mapping? Thu, 21 May 2020 17:42:59 +0000 In StressCheck, mixed mapping refers to the situation where isoparametric/quadratic and geometric (high order blended function) element mappings coexist within the same mesh.]]>
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What is a P-Extension? Tue, 14 Apr 2020 15:52:37 +0000 The term "p-extension" refers to the process of systematically and hierarchically increasing the polynomial order of the element shape functions on a fixed mesh, thereby increasing simulation degrees of freedom (DOF) and representing more complex displacement fields for the mesh.]]>

The term “p-extension” refers to the process of systematically and hierarchically increasing the polynomial order of the element shape functions on a fixed mesh, thereby increasing simulation degrees of freedom (DOF) and representing more complex displacement fields for the mesh. Conversely, traditional FEA implementations require successive mesh refinements on elements of fixed polynomials, or h-extensions, to demonstrate convergence.

While both p-extensions and h-extensions are capable of converging to the exact solution of a mathematical problem solved by the finite element method, p-extensions will achieve convergence with less computational burden. Via the Wikipedia article on p-FEM:

The theoretical foundations of the p-version were established in a paper published Babuška, Szabó and Katz in 1981[2] where it was shown that for a large class of problems the asymptotic rate of convergence of the p-version in energy norm is at least twice that of the h-version, assuming that quasi-uniform meshes are used. Additional computational results and evidence of faster convergence of the p-version were presented by Babuška and Szabó in 1982.[3]

StressCheck is capable of automatically performing p-extensions during the linear solution process, as shown in the below Linear solver tab:

P-extension from p=2 to 8

Note: it is not always necessary to solve to the maximum polynomial level, p=8. Convergence may be assessed after three (3) hierarchically increasing polynomial levels to determine if continuing the p-extension is necessary to achieve the desired solution quality.

This feature makes it very easy to verify convergence of any data of interest, as all runs of increasing DOF are stored for live dynamic extractions of results:

Key Quality Check #4: Peak Stress Convergence (courtesy StressCheck Professional)

For more information and examples of p-extensions in practice:

Are Element Distortion Effects Lessened at Higher P-Levels? Thu, 27 Feb 2020 03:30:25 +0000 Element distortion refers to the difference between the shape of a standard element (a perfect cube in the case of a hexahedral element for example) and the shape of the element in the mesh. The transformation between the standard element and the element in the mesh is called mapping.]]>

Element distortion refers to the difference between the shape of a standard element (a perfect cube in the case of a hexahedral element for example) and the shape of the element in the mesh. The transformation between the standard element and the element in the mesh is called mapping. Mapping functions (Q) establish a relationship between the global coordinates of the element in the mesh (x,y,z) and the local coordinates of the standard element (ξ,η,ζ).

For example, the image below shows how a tetrahedral element in the mesh (right) is mapped from its standard shape (left): In traditional FEA packages, where low order (e.g. p=1 or 2) approximations of the displacement field are used, the effect of distorted elements (or more specifically, distorted tetrahedral elements) is discouraged due to the negative impact of distortion on the quality of the finite element solution. Lower-order implementations are very susceptible to element distortions; as a result, meshes are typically dense.

The implementation of the finite element method in StressCheck is less susceptible to element distortion because the mapping functions and the functions used for the approximation of the displacements are independent. In practice, the elements implemented in StressCheck can be reasonably distorted (e.g. vertex angles in the range 5 ≤ θ ≤ 175, where θ is the solid angle at each corner of the element) and still be acceptable for detailed analysis. Thus, observation of element distortion should not automatically prompt the user to refine the mesh.

However, if the element is too distorted, such as a tetrahedral element with a vanishing angle, the mapping function Q becomes ill-conditioned and its negative impact on solution quality is only partially compensated by the higher polynomial order of approximation of the displacement functions. Since it is not possible to know a-priori the effect of distortion on the quality of the approximation, StressCheck provides for the extraction of every engineering quantity of interest as a function of the number of degrees of freedom (DOF) to check for convergence. Please refer to this article for the recommended quality control procedures in StressCheck.

The following examples demonstrate how auto-meshed tetrahedral elements with reasonable distortion may be used in StressCheck to perform 3D high-quality detailed stress analyses:

Note: In 3D the use of hexahedral or pentahedral elements is always preferred over tetrahedral elements, as they are more computationally efficient. A user may hand-mesh any part (or automatically mesh constant thickness parts by extrusion) with geometrically mapped hexahedral or pentahedral elements if auto-mesh generated tetrahedral elements are too distorted and convergence checks following p-extension indicate that the errors are larger than what is considered acceptable. For reference, many 3D examples in the StressCheck Handbook folders (Edit > Handbook, click Activate Open File Dialogue to browse the Handbook library) are hand-meshed with hexahedral and/or pentahedral elements.

For complex geometry where the use of automatic mesh generation is the only practical option, local mesh refinement must be used to eliminate highly distorted elements in the regions of primary interest.

What Can Affect Model Performance and Integrity? Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:16:59 +0000 Some StressCheck users may experience decreased model performance and/or integrity in certain situations. The following may be considered as potential reasons:]]>
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Is StressCheck Multi-Threaded? And How Are CPU Cores Allocated? Wed, 17 Apr 2019 18:20:40 +0000 Much of the current StressCheck Professional code base is single-threaded, though over time ESRD is working to improve as much of the code as possible to be multi-threaded.]]>

Threading and Processing

Much of the current StressCheck Professional code base is single-threaded, though over time ESRD is working to improve as much of the code as possible to be multi-threaded. Therefore, the current release of StressCheck is more multi-threaded than previous releases, and less multi-threaded than it will be in future releases. Additionally, the current release of StressCheck does not yet support parallel/multi-core processing.

CPU Core Allocation

Regarding the number of cores, the Windows OS handles all the core allocation for StressCheck processes. It is possible to set processor affinity for specific applications such as StressCheck:

How Do I Report the Final P-Level of Each Solved Element? Sat, 02 Mar 2019 04:27:03 +0000 After the solution is complete, the final p-level of each solved element may be displayed/tabulated:]]>
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What Are Some Tips & Tricks for Using Parts and Solution Configurations? Fri, 14 Dec 2018 23:37:47 +0000 Using StressCheck Parts in tandem with Solution Configurations is a great way to analyze different modeling configurations in the same StressCheck session, as well as quickly switch between different groups of objects for visualization, results extraction and more.]]>
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Why Is There a Recommended Maximum P-level for Quadratically Mapped Automeshes? Thu, 28 Jun 2018 18:59:40 +0000 In general, it is recommended not to exceed a polynomial level (p-level) of p = 5 when solving a model with quadratically mapped (i.e. "Isoparametric" or "Isopar") elements.]]>
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