ESRD to Exhibit and Provide Training Course at ASIP 2018
ESRD, Inc. will be exhibiting and providing a training course at the ASIP Conference 2018 in Phoenix, AZ from November 26-29, 2018. We hope you will drop by our training course and booth to check out the latest!
Training Course
The training course titled “Modeling Fastened Connections: Hierarchic Approaches Discussion and Demo” will be held Monday, November 26, 2018 / 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM by Mr. Brent Lancaster. The description is as follows:
Reliable, high-fidelity analytical procedures for assessing fastened connections are critical for reducing unnecessary conservatism in design, reducing excess weight, increasing affordability and structural integrity, and decreasing the frequency of periodic inspections. These benefits can only be realized using properly formulated models solved by numerical methods, when the model definition and its numerical approximation are treated separately (a technical requirement of Simulation Governance). A hierarchic modeling strategy will be discussed to determine the simplest model from a family of models of increasing complexity that will provide reliable results for the intended use of the model, such that verifiable, relevant data from the region of interest can be extracted.
Comparison of von Mises stress distributions for fastened connection model hierarchies.
This short training course will discuss a hierarchic approach to modeling fastened joints using Finite element Analysis (FEA) with specific examples and case studies using professional FEA software. Model conceptualization, including all simplifying assumptions based on both the available information and the data of interest will be covered as well. Different models from the hierarchy will be demonstrated and compared to showcase how selecting the best model can save time and money, without compromising structural integrity or accuracy. The course will emphasize key post-processing capabilities that enhance the quality and reliability of contact analysis results.
Course Outline:
- Modeling of fastened connections – a hierarchic approach using FEA Software – including shear connections ignoring secondary bending, full multi-body contact (load transfer between all parts), partial contact (load transfer between notable parts only), and the use of compression-only distributed springs for single part analysis approaches.
- Pros, cons and applicability of each hierarchic modeling approach will be analyzed.
- Case Study: 3D bolted Lug Comparison – (1) Multi-body contact, (2) partial contact simplification & (3) compression-only distributed springs.
- Live StressCheck Demo: Students will learn the process of checking reactions in contact regions/holes, as well as how to perform live-dynamic processing of detailed stresses in multi-part assemblies.
- Q&A
The training course content structure will be based on our June 2018 webinar and recent S.A.F.E.R. Simulation blog article on Hierarchic Modeling:
- Hierarchic Approaches to Modeling Fastened Connections Webinar
- Why Is a Hierarchic Modeling Framework Important?
Exhibit Booth
ESRD can be found at Booth 12 and will have several staff members available to chat and answer questions about StressCheck Professional, CAE Handbook, StressCheck Tool Box, DaDT applications, and more.
ESRD’s Matt Watkins talks to an ASIP 2017 attendee.
Contact information for ESRD staff is as follows:
- Mr. Gordon Lehman, PE –
- Mr. Brent Lancaster –
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