AA&S/PS&S 2019 Conference Recap
ESRD’s booth at AA&S/PS&S 2019 in Washington, D.C.
This past week at AA&S/PS&S 2019, ESRD’s Gordon Lehman provided a 2-hour training course titled “How Do You Verify the Accuracy of Engineering Simulations?”, chatted with attendees about StressCheck and how it supports detailed aerostructures analyses, and exhibited at our colorful & engaging booth (see above image).
Mr. Gordon Lehman, PE.
Gordon enjoyed meeting many of the AA&S/PS&S attendees, connecting with a wide variety of ESRD customers and colleagues, and sharing ESRD’s expertise on checking the quality of FEA results during his training course. Thanks to those who stopped by to say hello to Gordon (and took home one of our red aerodynamic flyers).
AA&S/PS&S 2019 Training Presentation Available…
On Monday, April 22nd, Gordon had the pleasure of providing a training course on FEA solution verification best practices (illustrated by industry and benchmark case studies) to a large group of AA&S engineers. Thanks to those who attended and/or requested the training course presentation.
If you are interested in learning more about this fascinating topic, you can download Mr. Lehman’s AA&S training presentation (in PowerPoint show or PDF format) from the link below:
AA&S 2019 Training – How Do You Verify the Accuracy of Engineering Simulations?
We are looking forward to receiving your feedback on the training course presentation.
Interested in learning more about the “benchmarking-by-FEA” process discussed in the training course? See this process in action for one of the training course examples:
StressCheck Demo: Benchmarking 3D Stress Concentration Factors via Numerical Simulation
If you’d like to see a specific “benchmarking-by-FEA” case study demonstrated, please submit your request and we’ll be happy to review.
Upcoming Webinar…
BAMF Example Crack Front Estimate via StressCheck/AFGROW Integration (courtesy Hill Engineering).
We are pleased to announce a joint Summer 2019 webinar with Hill Engineering, LLC (developers of BAMF) and LexTech, Inc. (developers of AFGROW) to discuss the state-of-the-art in 3D crack growth simulations. During this DaDT-focused webinar, Hill Engineering will provide a demonstration of how StressCheck and AFGROW were seamlessly integrated into their fatigue analysis software application BAMF. From the latest BAMF release notes:
Hill Engineering is announcing the release of version 6.0 of our Broad Application for Modeling Failure (BAMF) software. BAMF is used for fatigue analysis, and it is capable of predicting the growth of fatigue cracks in 3D parts. Starting from an assumed initial flaw, BAMF combines stress and crack growth analyses to predict the evolution of crack shape and size in 3D.
BAMF provides a robust and automated link between two leading tools: AFGROW and StressCheck™. Key features of BAMF include: natural crack shape evolution, fully 3D fatigue analysis capability, complex loading support, multiple cracks, and residual stress compatibility.
Learn more and register for the July 17th, 2019 webinar:
Learn More
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