Recently at ASIP 2021 in Austin, TX, ESRD provided a 4-hour training course titled “Standardization and Automation of DaDT Solutions via FEA-Based Sim Apps”, chatted with “patients” at the StressCheck Clinic, and exhibited at our captivating booth inside the Hyatt Regency Austin Conference Center.
Conference Snapshot
ESRD’s Brent Lancaster and Gordon Lehman enjoyed meeting many of the ASIP attendees, connecting with a wide variety of our customers and colleagues, and sharing ESRD’s expertise on the development of FEA-based Sim Apps. We also had the honor of providing multiple live demos of StressCheck v11’s current and upcoming features for improved 3D crack automeshing and SIF extractions (more on this below). As always, thanks to those who attended the training presentation and/or stopped by our booth to say hello to Brent and Gordon.
We were also pleased to learn that several of this year’s ASIP presentations incorporated StressCheck (or StressCheck-Powered Sim Apps, such as Hill Engineering’s BAMpF) to enhance their DaDT simulations. Notably:
- F15 Fatigue FEMs and the ASIP Process – Mr Philip Munoz – The Boeing Co, Nathan Goeckner – The Boeing Co & Mr Renzo Higa – AFLCMC/WAQ
- B1 TaperLok Fastener Hole ERS Partial to Full Credit – Mr Robert Pilarczyk – Hill Engineering LLC & Mr Jared Yunk – The Boeing Co
- Load Spectra Development and Damage Tolerance Sensitivities: An Application of Airworthiness Circular 23-13A – Mr Michael Worley – SWRI & Mr Jacob Warner – USAF
- Fatigue predictions at cold expanded holes – Mr Jacob Warner – USAF
We are grateful to be included in the “toolboxes” of these ASIP engineers, and look forward to supporting their future fracture mechanics, DaDT and 3D crack front modeling challenges.
ASIP 2021 Training Materials Available…
On Monday, November 29th, Brent had the pleasure of providing a training course to a group of attentive ASIP engineers on the development of StressCheck-based Sim Apps for customized DaDT automation workflows. Thanks to those who attended the training course and participated by asking questions/requesting demos!
If you are interested in this topic, you can download Brent’s training presentation (in PowerPoint show or PDF format) and watch the five (5) video demos via the below link:
We are looking forward to receiving your feedback on the training course presentation.
Note: if you are not a current ESRD customer and would like to evaluate the StressCheck-based Sim App examples presented during the course, please contact us for a trial evaluation of StressCheck and CAE Handbook. In the “Comment or Message” box, please write “I would like to explore the ASIP 2021 StressCheck-based Sim Apps.”
Upcoming Webinar…
We are pleased to announce a Q1 2022 webinar focused on new and improved fracture mechanics features for StressCheck v11. Below is the webinar abstract:
StressCheck v11 and newer implements a mixed element boundary layer mesher to apply pentahedral and hexahedral elements to the crack front to minimize element distortion and maintain a high-quality solution in the vicinity of the crack. This leads to a higher degree of accuracy in SIF calculations, and overall solver efficiency, when compared to the previous all-tetrahedral boundary layer meshing implementation.
If you are interested in pre-registering for this webinar, please complete the below form and we will ensure you are informed of the date/time/topics:
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