Have you ever watched a movie on a CRT TV, and then watched the same movie on an HD TV? The difference in detail is stunning. With StressCheck’s high order FEA, all data of interest are in HD to ensure you don’t miss critical details.
Detailed Stress Applications
StressCheck’s high definition stress analysis results are unlike any other in the industry; once you have used StressCheck’s hierarchic solver and unlimited live post-processing you’ll never want to go back.
Schedule a Detailed Stress Demo
Would you like a no-cost demonstration of our detailed stress engineering application solutions? Complete our Request an Engineering Application Demo form and we will get back to you shortly.
Detailed Stress Application Focus
The following are typical detailed stress analysis applications which are routinely performed in StressCheck Professional:

Linear Elasticity Solver

Linear Elasticity Solver
Non-Linear Solver
Single Fastener Analysis Tool (SFAT)
Multi-Fastener Analysis Tool (MFAT)

Linear Elasticity Solver
Non-Linear Solver
Would you like to schedule a Detailed Stress Analysis Demo?
Would you like to learn more about our features and solutions for detailed stress analysis applications? Schedule a Detailed Stress Analysis demo with us by completing the below form and we’ll contact you as soon as possible. Thank you!
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“Aerospace materials scientists and structural engineers now have a new state-of-the-art software product called StressCheck, which provides efficient and reliable analysis tools for composite bonded aircraft structures. A composites research team from the aeronautics industry, known as the Composites Affordability Initiative (CAI), has just completed an extensive study of current capabilities in the area of failure analysis tools for composite bonded joints. This study led the CAI team to unanimously choose StressCheck as the software tool to replace as well as radically improve existing industry standard software currently used to size bonded joints.”
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)