ESRD, Inc. will be exhibiting and providing a training course in person at the ASIP Conference 2021 in Austin, TX from November 29-December 2, 2021. We hope you will drop by our training course and booth to check out the latest!
ESRD’s Training Course
The training course titled “Standardization and Automation of DaDT Solutions via FEA-Based Sim Apps” will be held Monday, November 29th / 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM by Mr. Brent Lancaster. The course description is as follows:
The standardization, automation, and democratization of new technologies such as Simulation Applications (Sim Apps) offers many benefits to industry at the engineering, product, and business levels. These benefits include encapsulating complexity, improving productivity, containing cost, and ensuring reliability for the expert simulation analyst and the engineer-in-training alike.
ESRD’s StressCheck Professional (GUI & API) and novel CAE Handbook software tools support the development & deployment of custom Sim Apps and/or digital engineering handbooks for the standardization and automation of durability & damage tolerance (DaDT) solutions. As a result, engineering organizations are empowered to develop a wide range of FEA-based options, from a simple parametric handbook for the computation of SIF’s for a range of crack aspect ratios, to a fully-scripted “homegrown” application for the analysis of 3D structures with multiple crack orientations & locations.
In this 4-hour training course, we will focus on the following topics:
- The construction of a custom digital DaDT handbook solution via StressCheck Professional, including the parametrization of model input data and the storage of application-specific results extractions (i.e. SIF’s).
- An overview of CAE Handbook, including pre-existing digital DaDT handbook solutions and how custom digital DaDT handbook solution may be utilized in a friendly, fail-safe environment.
- Performing “what if?” logic-driven studies of digital DaDT handbook solution via a StressCheck API-powered Sim App, in which user-defined input data is passed from Excel VBA or Python to StressCheck Professional to perform scripted “on-the-fly” model adjustments and DaDT computations.
ASIP attendees who choose to participate in this ESRD training will walk away with the following knowledge:
- How to implement and rollout Sim Apps to your engineering team members.
- Selecting a good candidate simulation workflow when developing an engineering Sim App.
- Defining the modeling, analysis and output requirements for your team’s Sim Apps.
- Existing software tools and platforms that are available to develop and implement engineering Sim Apps.
- The benefits and cost savings of utilizing Sim Apps within your engineering teams.
- The process of planning out the development and QA testing of your Sim Apps.
The training course content will be based on concepts from the following resources, available on ESRD’s Resource Library and online documentation:
- ASIP 2019 Training – Automated 3D Crack Beta Curve Development via Smart Sim Apps
- StressCheck Tutorial: Crack Front Automeshing/Auto Integration Radius Features
- StressCheck Demo: Sim App Development via Excel VBA and StressCheck API
- StressCheck Automation Fundamentals
ESRD’s Exhibit Booth
ESRD can be found at Booth 5 and will have several staff members available to chat, provide demonstrations, troubleshoot issues (StressCheck Clinic), and answer questions about our training course, our software products and our DaDT solutions.
The StressCheck Clinic
StressCheck users may drop by our booth on a first-come, first-served basis to discuss any StressCheck-related questions, issues or feature requests with us. This includes troubleshooting customer models, demonstrating StressCheck features, and providing best practices/tips on how best to optimize StressCheck’s use.
Want to ensure ESRD’s booth staff is well-equipped to answer your StressCheck Clinic request? Click the below button, include “StressCheck Clinic Request” in the message subject, provide a brief message, and we will be prepared to discuss your request at our booth. Note: Customer membership level is required.
As a courtesy to other conference participants, we request that StressCheck Clinic visits be capped at 30 minutes.
Participating ESRD Staff
Contact information for ESRD staff participating in ASIP Conference 2021 is as follows:
- Mr. Gordon Lehman, PE –
- Mr. Brent Lancaster –
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