ESRD is hosting joint webinars on July 17th and July 29th, both at 1:00 pm EST.
Want to learn from the experts in FEA-based Simulation Application (Sim App) development for standardization & automation of complex engineering analysis tasks, such as 3D fatigue crack growth, 3D ply-by-ply laminated composite analysis or other challenging applications you’d like to safely put into the hands of non-experts?
This July, ESRD will be partnering with several industry leaders to provide not one but TWO stimulating webinars on the latest in FEA-based Sim App development.
The Latest Developments in Sim Apps for 3D Crack Growth Simulations
BAMF Example Crack Front Estimate via StressCheck/AFGROW Integration (courtesy Hill Engineering).
First, ESRD is pleased to join Hill Engineering, LLC (developers of BAMF) and LexTech, Inc. (developers of AFGROW) for a joint webinar on Wednesday July 17, 2019 @ 1:00 pm EST. This collaborative webinar will be titled “3D Crack Growth Simulation: Advancements & Applications“, and will detail the latest technological advancements in Sim Apps for accurate simulation of three-dimensional metallic crack growth via coupled finite element analysis (FEA) and fatigue life computations.
During this webinar, you will see the latest in 3D crack growth predictions via Hill Engineering’s Broad Application for Modeling Failure (BAMF) Sim App, which provides a robust integration between StressCheck’s high-fidelity DaDT/fracture solutions and AFGROW’s crack growth life prediction capabilities.
Additionally, ESRD, LexTech & Hill Engineering representatives will explain how each of their respective technologies seamlessly fit together to enable automated, verified & validated (i.e. backed by experimental data) fatigue crack propagation.
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The Importance of Simulation Governance in Sim App Development & Deployment
This joint ESRD/Rev-Sim webinar will explore Sim-Gov compliant Sim Apps for democratization of simulation.
Then, on Monday July 29, 2019 @ 1:00 pm EST, ESRD will join the thought leaders at Revolution in Simulation (Rev-Sim) for a joint webinar on why Simulation Governance compliance is essential to the development & deployment of Sim Apps titled “Democratization of Simulation Governance-Compliant Sim Apps“.
In this timely webinar, we will discuss why it is essential that Sim Apps implement Numerical Simulation technologies which enable the practice of Simulation Governance in order for the vision of democratization of simulations to be realized, as well as why it is important for engineering managers to get on the Simulation Governance train sooner rather than later. Strategies will be explored for democratizing engineering simulations via Sim Apps which are: 1) based on the latest Numerical Simulation technologies, 2) available in Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) form, and most importantly 3) Simulation Governance-compliant.
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