ESRD Solves Big Issues in Engineering Simulation
Democratization of Simulation and Simulation Confidence via Verification and Validation (V&V) are two VERY Big Issues in Engineering Simulation, and both will be addressed during this year’s NAFEMS World Conference.
Since its beginnings in 1989, ESRD’s StressCheck has been designed and developed specifically to solve both of these Big Issues and more. It all begins with our Simulation Technology and unwavering focus on Simulation Governance.
Whereas most FEA products have continued with lower-order FEA methods that are not well-suited to addressing these Big Issues, ESRD has pioneered higher-order FEA methods that unlock automatic solution verification and hierarchic modeling, two critical requirements to solving the Democratization of Simulation and Simulation Confidence puzzles.
Learn more about ESRD, StressCheck and Simulation Governance at NAFEMS World Congress as ESRD Chairman Dr. Barna Szabó provides a keynote address “On the Formulation and Application of Design Rules”.
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