Having a simulation capability is no longer a differentiator. To remain competitive companies need to have a capability and be able to use the capability effectively to produce results that are reliable and repeatable. Generating confidence in the capability of the simulation team is essential to move analysis from being a ‘tick box’ in the design process to a strategic capability
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“Through the use of StressCheck the A-10 Aircraft Structural Integrity Program’s (ASIP) Analysis Group is able to model more accurately the physics of fatigue crack propagation in critical aircraft structure. Through this tool we are able to model, analyze and predict failure of aircraft structure and then develop crucial inspection and maintenance planes to ensure the safety and sustainability of our nations warplanes. Without the analysis capability provided to us through StressCheck we would not be able to provide accurate assessments of the A-10 structure to top USAF leadership.”
SWRI Research Engineer
Southwest Research Institute