Here you will find an inventory of the latest StressCheck-powered App release updates, along with the notable fixes, features and enhancements included in each release.
StressCheck-Powered App Updates
Get the Latest CAE Handbook Release
Ready to update? Download the latest CAE Handbook release from our Resource Library (Software Download members only).
Get the Latest StressCheck Tool Box Release
Ready to update? Download the latest StressCheck Tool Box release from our Resource Library (Software Download members only).
StressCheck-Powered App Update Highlights
The following sections contain release highlights, release notes/changelogs and video demos of the most recently released StressCheck-powered App versions.
CAE Handbook v10.4
- General performance enhancements
- User-entered parameter values are retained after parameter error.
- Display issues related to Windows 10 Compatibility.
- Miscellaneous fixes related to the error indicator graph.
- Inconsistent coloring of maximum limit curves.
- New Handbook models
- Several StressCheck Professional solutions to selected NAFEMS Standard Benchmarks were added to the CAE-Handbook Library.
CAE Handbook v10.3
- General performance enhancements
- Fully compatible with StressCheck v10.3 Professional.
- Log handling improvements.
- General GUI improvements.
- Stability improvements.
- Improved recognition of SCW/SCP file metadata.
CAE Handbook v10.2
- General performance enhancements.
- Fully compatible with StressCheck v10.2 Professional.
- Error and Warning handling improvements.
- Log handling improvements.
- General GUI improvements.
- Stability improvements.
CAE Handbook v10.1
- 3D Mouse support.
- The use of the 3D-mouse was enabled for 3DConnexion devices.
- File structure upgrades.
- The file structure for CAE Handbook 10.1 has been updated for compatibility with StressCheck v10.1 Professional.
- Fully supports SCW and SCP format.
- Upgraded CAE Handbook library.
- Documented examples of parametric verified CAE Handbooks.
- Fully extensible structure to allow new CAE Handbooks to be added.
- General fixes and enhancements.
StressCheck Tool Box v4.4
- General performance enhancements and improvements
- Fixed GUI issues.
- Fixed laminate stack controls.
- Resolved LCAT margin computations.
- Fixed display issues.
StressCheck Tool Box v4.3
- General performance enhancements and improvements.
- Fixed GUI issues.
- Fixed stability issues.
- Exported models/results can be opened by StressCheck v10.3 Professional.
StressCheck Tool Box v4.2
- Updated SFAT fastener clearance support.
- Up to 10% clearance.
- Updated SFAT countersink fastener support.
- Fastener head now seated flush with countersink.
- General performance enhancements.
- Updated validation rules.
- Updated tooltips.
- Fixed GUI issues.
StressCheck Tool Box v4.1
- SI and US Customary unit systems are fully supported.
- All input fields, validation rules, tooltips, computed data and exported files.
- Fully supports StressCheck v10.1 Professional.
- SCW and SCP formats.
- MFAT solver improvements.
- Solutions more likely to converge.
- Minor enhancements and fixes.
- GUI improvements to tooltip and validation rules.
- Visualization improvements to contours.
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“Aerospace materials scientists and structural engineers now have a new state-of-the-art software product called StressCheck, which provides efficient and reliable analysis tools for composite bonded aircraft structures. A composites research team from the aeronautics industry, known as the Composites Affordability Initiative (CAI), has just completed an extensive study of current capabilities in the area of failure analysis tools for composite bonded joints. This study led the CAI team to unanimously choose StressCheck as the software tool to replace as well as radically improve existing industry standard software currently used to size bonded joints.”
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)