Strategies in engineering simulation for reducing the frequency, cost, complexity, and uncertainty of aircraft maintenance inspection intervals.
December 14, 2017 at 1:00 pm EST
High-Fidelity Stress Analysis for S.A.F.E.R. Structural Simulation Webinar
In this webinar we will share advancements in numerical simulation that make the performance of finite element analysis S.A.F.E.R. – Simple, Accurate, Fast, Efficient, and Reliable.
- We will introduce a different approach to numerical simulation that has been developed and commercialized by ESRD which takes much of the art and craft out of finite element modeling.
- An example engineering design problem from the aviation industry, requiring accurate results around stress concentrations to meet durability requirements for a long crack initiation life, will be presented.
- LIVE DEMO: You will see a demonstration of ESRD’s StressCheck and its live dynamic results mining of any value of interest, anywhere throughout the model regardless of the mesh topology, as rapid design changes are conducted, evaluated and parametrically iterated.
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“Accurate and reliable stresses and Stress Intensity Factors are required for determination of static and residual strength and for crack growth analyses in analysis tools such as AFGROW. For some geometries, industry solutions are either insufficient or nonexistent. The geometry, applied forces, and crack shapes and dimensions must be modeled reasonably well to obtain useful engineering data. The p-version finite element software StressCheck (ESRD, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, USA) is used to demonstrate how accurate finite element solutions can lead to good quality engineering analysis.”